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Rosemor Escalator Cleaning Machine

Published Thursday, July 4, 2019
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Established in 1985 Rosemor International Ltd specialises in the design, manufacture and supply of precision-engineered automatic escalator and travelator cleaning systems, used in airports, railways and shopping malls, worldwide.

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Rotomac ET15B Automatic escalator deep-cleaning machine

THE WORLD’S BEST escalator cleaning machine. Used worldwide in airports, railways and shopping malls, the precision-engineered Rotomac ET15B uses 15 rotating brushes, of varied lengths, to clean escalator steps AND RISERS (the horizontal and vertical parts of the step) to perfection.


1.Huge cost savings compared to conventional cleaning methods.      

2.No need to remove the steps.

3.Cleaning is undertaken on-site, at most convenient time, ready for traffic at the start of the day.

4.The step and riser of the escalator are cleaned right to the edges in a single operation.

5.Removes grease, spillages, stones, foreign objects, hardened sand and grinding paste dramatically reducing maintenance costs and increasing escalators’ lifespan.

6.Premises with clean escalators are more appealing, therefore attract more trade and enhance your reputation.

7.Thoroughly cleans escalators/moving walkways without diluting lubrication, damaging electrical circuits or internal mechanisms.

8.Controlled pre-set chemical and minimal water is sprayed through nozzles.

9.Immediate vacuuming of the dirty solution into holding tanks eliminates the danger of chains rusting, motors burning out and damage to electrical circuits.

10.Tested and officially endorsed by the world’s leading manufacturers.

11.15 rotating brushes and four program settings (15/30/45/60 seconds).

12.Includes transport trolley and battery back-up

13.Durable cover and stainless steel buttons

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T10 Escalator and moving walkway deep-cleaning attachment for ET15B

Connect the T10 module to your ET15B automatic escalator cleaning machine and you can deep-clean and dry moving escalator steps and travelators to a dazzling, refurbished appearance in minutes. Also used during peak periods in major airports, railways and shopping malls, worldwide, to clean up spillages with minimal disruption.

The world’s only combined automatic step and riser escalator and moving walkway deep cleaning system. Once you’ve finished cleaning your escalator, connect the T10 attachment and you have a fully automatic moving walkway deep cleaning machine.

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T10i Independent Moving Walkway Cleaning Machine

T10i deep cleans and dries the horizontal part of any escalator or moving walkway to a dazzling ‘as new’ appearance, in minutes.

Connect the T10i to the mains, press one button and leave this machine to deep- clean your moving walkway, or escalator steps, in minutes!

Ten counter- rotating brushes reach deep into the grooves achieving unparalleled results. A powerful vacuum recovery system leaves the surface 100% dry and ready for immediate use. As a result of this machine’s speed and high performance, there is no longer a need to clean out of hours, or close escalators or moving walkways for long periods of time. Perfect for rapidly and effectively dealing with spillages too.